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Kickstarter delayed with good news!

Hey guys! It's been awhile and we're back with some good news and unfortunately some bad news as well. Let's start with bad news first, shall we? The bad news is that we're going to delay our Kickstarter campaign for awhile. We're really sorry if we have disappointed some of you who have been waiting and prepared for the campaign. :( As for the good news, we will be working with Final Fantasy 15 & Kingdom Hearts composers(Shota Nakama, Yoshitaka Suzuki and Falk Au Yeong) for Re:Legend's music! 😍Since they will be starring in our Kickstarter campaign, we wanted to give them more time to prepare several sound tracks and some interview footage to be featured in the campaign. You would be able to enjoy them when the Kickstarter campaign is live! Once again, we're sorry for the delay and hope you guys could understand that we're trying to create the best experience we possibly could for Re:Legend. Thanks for sticking with us! 😚

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