Hello im new here but i can not wait for Re:Legend <3 , I search for Information about Re:Legend a Long time but i never found some , topical too . So i have to create a account and that with my englisch knowlegde , sorry for that but i want answers :-) . when the Game start on kickstarter I just want to be a backer but im from germany and kickstarter only have stupid payment and not pay pal or something similar.
I want to know how is the Progress of the Game and some news about the other versions of the game . Mainly for the Xbox version .
And have you plans a for some grounder packs on xbox ?
Hi Daniel,
Update on the game progress are found on the kickstarter page. These forums are not really used otherwise as I'm sure you noticed. This is the latest update: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1723653856/re-legend-co-op-monster-raising-rpg/posts/2546687?ref=activity We have not heard from them about the console versions yet. They're still hard at work on the PC version. We should be getting more news in the next few weeks based on that last update. We had the option which type of key we wanted when we founded the project so it's hard to tell if they'll offer something else when they are ready for release or if there will be only the normal game version.