Feels like the forums have died off a little, so if there's anyone who still checks for posts, I figured I'd offer some free drawings. Only catch is they have to be related to Re:Legend. It doesn't matter to me if you're one of the design backers or not. I'll draw weapons, magnus, villagers, whatever. Just give me a description of what you want to see and I'll post it here.
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Accepting Re:Legend Drawing Requests
Accepting Re:Legend Drawing Requests

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I have work this weekend, so I won't be able to do any drawing for a while. If you're looking to get it done sooner, I'd ask for help here: https://www.play-relegend.com/forum/fan-art-backer-s-concept/give-help-get-help-magnus-weapon-npc-concepts
If you don't mind waiting, then I can draw it when I have time. If you could just give me a description to go with the drawing so I can understand exactly what vision you had for this.
Can you make this bow look cooler and with color :)
It's no problem ^^ I didn't say anything about not using colors in the original post XP I don't mind trying to challenge myself now and then. And at least I feel like it's like, unique now with the different colors. Honestly, it was kinda fun? XP I'm glad you like it ^^
Ah sorry for making a request with colors then! But it does look really cute, thank you so much! I love Sea Colt.
I am just not confident with colors XP Here's the sketch and the color I did. I hope you like it Kitte.
I wouldn't consider your post spam. No worries ^^
Mmh... I mostly do black and white drawings, but I could try to do color since you're my first request and all. Sure, I'll give it a shot ^^
Right. Sorry for spamming your topic about this. In return, how about a request? Can you make a variant of Sea Colt that's blackish with pink and/or yellow markings? Like an uncommon or rare of it, what your take on that would be.
Okay, I'll set up a new post for that then. Thanks for the idea.
I think, this would give a little motivation for everyone that looks in the forum to be a little bit more active and have fun :)
Huh. I was just gonna draw stuff for fun, but I'd definitely like to see some other art instead of only draw it myself. Yeah, I'm all for that. I don't think we should call it a contest though. That makes it sound like there's a prize or something and I don't have anything to offer XP Maybe instead just call it like an artist's challenge or something.
Lucy94's idea is cool. I don't think I'd ever win but it might drum up some drawings and life.
I like the ground of this idea, but how about this: we choose a magnus or any Re:legend connected and doing a drawing-contest or something like that. Like once a week we choose a theme and then everyone that wants, join in the drawing "contest" ?